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Dear fellow-radioamateurs and contesters!

Members of radioclub S59DCD would like to introduce and invite you to join us in our brand new World Wide PMC contest, which take place next weekend -

09/10.January 2010.

Visit our home page, where you can see the rules or just check SM3CER contest calendar or WA7BNM contest calendar.

As your city KOICE is multiplier in the contest, please inform specially the contesters from this city and

also the others.

(It will be a great pleasure, if this message find a place on some of your contest reflectors or mailing lists,


Ray, S54X
Pridal  :  Rajko (S54X) , 02.01.2010 @ 07:42
I tried to find some more info about OM-Power Amplifiers and I found OM8A Webpages. I have to say - very impressive...GL guys. Stan OK1JR/NT3I
Pridal  :  Standa (OK1JR) , 02.12.2009 @ 02:42
Our web page is www.s59dcd.si
Thanks for your invitation
73 S54X
Pridal  :  Rajko (S54X) , 17.11.2009 @ 07:49
Dear fellow-radioamateurs and contesters!

Members of radioclub S59DCD would like to introduce and invite you to join us in our brand new world wide contest.

Check the attached files or visit our our home page, where you can see the rules

You can see details also on SM3CER web page

We are loking forward to meet you in the contest.


Ray, S54X
Pridal  :  Rajko (S54X) , 17.11.2009 @ 07:45
I hope you return to Portugal for another expedition.
Pridal  :  pedro almeida (CT5JZX) , 17.10.2009 @ 11:18
I hope to return to Portugal for another expedition.
Pridal  :  pedro almeida (CT5JZX) , 17.10.2009 @ 11:18
P?i VHF contestu jste se m? ptali na vkon.QRP5W a
T?m se na dal kontakt 73!
Pridal  :  Vclav (OK1VYR) , 07.09.2009 @ 12:08
Veice se mn? zamlouvaj vae strnky.Blahop?eji ,jen tak dl Mirek nedaleko Nchoda JO80BM. 73
Pridal  :  Mirek (OK2LM) , 15.08.2009 @ 09:44
Joka som poznala ako ve?mi sympatickho ?loveka, dobrho priate?a a kamarta. Budem na?ho spomna? so ia?om v srdci.
Pridal  :  Rozalia Canova (NEMM) , 08.08.2009 @ 10:45
S velkm zrmutkem jsem se do?etl o odchodu Joka, OM3NA. DX a contest scna bez n?j je o moc chud. A? m tam naho?e vechna psma vdy otev?en.
Martin OK1RR
Pridal  :  Martin Kratoka (OK1RR) , 07.08.2009 @ 01:57
S ve?km zrmutkom sme vetci v OM3KHE prijali sprvu o odchode Joka OM3NA do rdioamatrskeho neba. Vetci sme ho obdivovali a mali radi. Vyjadrujeme Vm hlbok spolu?as? nad stratou dobrho kamarta. Jozef Vojtek OM6AM
Pridal  :  Jozef Vojtek (OM6AM) , 06.08.2009 @ 10:23
Este stale nemozem uverit, ze Jozko OM3NA uz nie nie medzi nami. Svetovy radioamatersky kolektiv stratil velmi vzacneho cloveka. Stale na Teba budeme spominat. It is very hard to believe that Jozef OM3NA is no longer among us. The global society of HAM radio operators has lost a very valuable member. We will never forget him.Gyorgy AA9DW (ex-OK3CWG, ex-OL8CCY
Pridal  :  Gyorgy Veszpremi (AA9DW) , 06.08.2009 @ 04:57
Prv? jsem se dozv?d?l smutnou zprvu. Se smutkem a zvlhlma o?ima nechci uv??it. Asi je to flame?!
Joo alespo? sv?j smutek m?u napsat sem, na strnky, kter jsi doposledka vytv?el. Karel CF
Pridal  :  Karel (OK1CF) , 04.08.2009 @ 12:35
I would like to have some info about your tower. Was it made by you or you have bought it from someone else? I would like to acquist one of 40-50m and I was wonder if you could help me pls with some advices or put me in contact with the one that fabricated it.
Thank you very much,

Pridal  :  MITRUT MARIUS (YO3CZW) , 17.07.2009 @ 11:16
Fantastick pohled na antny a za?zen !! U se nedivm,e jste m? slyeli v 2.subru,kdy jsem vyslal s 10 W a 5/8 mobilkou na p?d? z Loc.JN79CD !! Ur?it? slyte i trvu jak roste. Krsn prce. Hodn? zdaru a 73! Tony,OK1IAP.
Pridal  :  Tony (OK1IAP) , 15.05.2009 @ 12:29
Hi guys, so good antennas you have! great!
Best regards from Ukraine. ahoj!

Our radioclub: www.tdradio.narod.ru
QSL-Printing: www.qsl.at.ua
Pridal  :  Dima (UT8LN) , 03.05.2009 @ 05:35
Bravo!--und wifiel koste OM-2500HF
Pridal  :  Juraj Cicek (9A6DJZ) , 05.03.2009 @ 05:31
... p a r d a ...
Pridal  :  Jano (OM8JP) , 12.02.2009 @ 01:03
Very nice antennas system, and nice rigs equipement.
best regards 73's from Fance
Pridal  :  solano (F6IFJ) , 13.01.2009 @ 12:02
Fantastic antenna farm!
GL and C U in contest!
best 73 de IK2NCJ/D4C
Pridal  :  Luca (IK2NCJ) , 26.12.2008 @ 06:25
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